Mark Preece Family House Board Room

The Organization

Friends and colleagues of the late Dr. Mark Preece formed the organization, Hospital Family Houses of Ontario to achieve their goal of opening The Mark Preece Family House. The organization is incorporated and has attained charitable status.

Hospital Family Houses of Ontario
Charitable registration number: 86700 9615 RR0001

The Mark Preece Family House opened to families in April, 2011 and expanded to 24 rooms in April, 2014.

The organization is a member of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, a business and community organization with over 1,000 members in the Hamilton Area. The organization is also a member of Imagine Canada, who’s mission is to strengthen Canadian charities and nonprofits so they can better serve individuals and communities both here and around the world.

House Staff

Co-Director + Finance & Operations – Mary Hatt

Communications & Development Specialist – Chris Pelletier

Volunteer & Family Service Manager – Lyn Kinnaird

Family Service Supervisor – Virginia Cummings

Family Service Co-ordinators

  • Kathryn Gammon
  • Melissa Adams
  • Crystal Rivers
  • Ellen Newman
  • Nicole Bertrand
  • Myka Adams

Housekeeper – Marites Pangilinan, Nicole Phillips, Syris St. Pierre, Jennifer Lintner (On Leave)

Co-Director + Development & Communications – Kate Tansley (On Leave)

Board Of Directors

Chair – Russ Rowlands

Secretary – David Carruth

Treasurer – Daniel Walzak


  • Melanie Dugard
  • Kaitlin Guarasci
  • Louise MacRae
  • Shelly Marr-Mouck
  • Leigh McFadden
  • Sravanti Mudunuri
  • Yvonne Rieck
  • Jenya Tate
  • Baldeep Virk